Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


Patron Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association 1952-2022

All members of the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association mourn the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Patron. We give thanks for Her Majesty’s unwavering loyalty and devotion to the Association, and to the country.

In a message marking the 150th anniversary of the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association in 1997, Her Majesty recalled her last visit to the show. The Queen had “many happy memories of my term as President in 1986.” It was a glorious day of sunshine when she and the Duke of Edinburgh attended the opening of the Royal Norfolk Show on Wednesday, June 25.

The Association’s Patron became the 11th Royal President since its formation in January 1847. The Queen and Prince Philip had toured the showground in the Royal carriage and had showed a keen interest in all aspects of the show and met many of those involved with its organisation.

The Queen had also presented trophies to prize-winning cattle and heavy horse exhibitors in the grand ring. “It was a day which will be long remembered by all present,” wrote the then chairman, Timothy Colman in his annual report in 1986.

The Queen became the Association’s Patron in 1952. In that year, the Royal Norfolk Show was staged at Raveningham on 25-26 June by invitation of the then Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, Sir Edmund Bacon.

Her Majesty first visited the Norfolk Showground in 1957 when the Royal Show was held. In that year, there was no Royal Norfolk Show.

God save the King!

Queen attends Royal Norfolk Show 1957
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