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RNAA Harvest Festival Service

Sunday 6 October 2024: All Day
You are cordially invited to the RNAA Harvest Festival Service at Norwich Cathedral

6th October at 15:30

Tea, coffee and cake will be served following the service

This event is run jointly by the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association, the Norfolk Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs and Norwich Cathedral.  Everyone is welcome. Please share the service details with your colleagues, friends and family and invite them to also join us for this beautiful service and to give thanks for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon each of us and the farming community.

In the beautiful county of Norfolk, known for agriculture and food production, we are delighted to work with a host of agricultural partners to bring you this traditional harvest service.

We look forward to seeing you at this special service of celebration and thanksgiving.

For enquiries please call 01603 748931


Sunday 6 Oct 2024:
All Day
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